We believe that in holy, Christian worship God comes to us through his Word and Sacrament. We call worship the Divine Service because in this, God is serving us sinners. He speaks his forgiveness; we listen, receive and rejoice.
Trinity Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), an association of about 6,000 congregations located throughout the United States. We confess the faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and in accordance with the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
In brief, we believe, teach and confess that…
God is triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We are all by nature sinners in need of grace and forgiveness.
God sent His Son Jesus Christ, true man and true God, to save us from our lost condition. Our debt has been paid through Christ’s righteous life and sacrificial death.
Our salvation comes by grace through faith alone in Christ as our Savior. We contribute nothing to our salvation.
Baptism saves. Through Baptism, we become new creatures, but the “old Adam” is constantly with us, as long as we’re here on earth.
God chooses us; we do not (indeed, we cannot) choose God. We have no power to accept Christ, but we can reject Him.
Faith is a gift, created and maintained through the preaching of God’s Word and administration of His Sacraments.
The consecrated bread and wine in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper are the true Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, a precious gift given to us Christians to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of our sins. more information
Good works cannot save us (but they are expected of us, for the good of our neighbor).
The Bible, Holy Scripture, is God’s Word and is inspired and inerrant. We regard the Confessions of the LCMS as a correct exposition of Biblical teachings.
To learn more about what we believe and who we are, please join us Sundays for bible class at 9:30am and divine service worship at 10:30am.