"This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."    - 1 John 4:10

We believe...

  • ...that there is one God. He has revealed Himself as Triune - one divine essence - and that in this one divine essence there are three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • ...that God created all things, visible and invisible, from nothing. Human beings are the pinnacle of His visible creation and were made holy and in His image. This holiness was lost with the fall of Adam into sin and, since the fall, all human beings are born in sin. By virtue of this inherited sinfulness, we are unable to live according to God's Will and keep His Commandments perfectly.
  • ...that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, became man. Born of a virgin, fully God and fully man, He came as our Savior-Substitute. He lived perfectly for us. He suffered and died on the cross to appease God's wrath and to free all mankind from sin, death, and hell. He rose again and promises forgiveness and eternal life to all who cling to Him in faith. He will return in power and glory. He is the only way of salvation.
  • ...that in order to proclaim this Good News, God established His Church. Through His appointed Means of Grace - His Word, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper - the Holy Spirit works saving faith in Christ. The Gospel teaches that we have a gracious God, not by our own merits or works, but for the sake of Christ and His work for us. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant and inspired Word of God, and the only source of information for faith and the Christian life. We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper actually bestow forgiveness and life as the Word of God declares. Baptism is a washing of regeneration and renewal. In the Lord's Supper we commune with Christ as we receive His true body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine.
  • ...that all believers in Christ are part of the one, holy Christian and Apostolic Church, and that Christ has commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations.


As a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, our congregation supports world mission work and the training of pastors and teachers in our colleges and seminaries. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod is a strong advocate of parochial schools and has the largest Protestant school system in our country.

Lutherans? Lutherans are Christians who use the name of Martin Luther to further identify themselves. Luther was a German monk and priest who sought to reform the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1500's and return the Church to its Biblical foundation. Luther's writing, debating, preaching, and teaching sparked the Protestant Reformation. Through his study and proclamation of God's Word, Luther helped the Church rediscover the truth that God is loving and that He offers forgiveness and eternal life as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ. Luther taught that sinful human beings - no matter how hard they try - cannot earn God's forgiveness or a place in heaven. This is a gift of God's grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ. Luther also brought other reforms to the Church along with a renewed emphasis on God's grace. He translated the Bible into the language of the people (German), introduced hymns for congregational singing, and wrote the Small and Large Catechisms so parents could teach their children the basics of the Christian faith. The confessional writings of Luther and other reformers of the 15th century give identity and detail to what Lutheran Christians believe.

Sola Scriptura - Scripture Alone! 

Sola Gratia - Grace Alone!

Sola Fide - Faith Alone!

Our History

(Excerpted from "60 Year History Of Trinity Lutheran Church, 2007")

Trinity was established in 1947 as a mission transplant of Zion Lutheran Church of Brazilton, Kansas. Initially eighteen families from Zion made up the nucleus of this project of faith. Pastor Edwin W. Licht of Aliceville, Kansas was called to be the first pastor of the church in February of 1948. The church met in facilities rented from the Episcopal church of Girard. Under Pastor Licht's able leadership, the congregation made steady progress establishing worship services, youth and women's organizations, and instruction classes. By 1951 the congregation realized a permanent church home would be needed and began to raise funds from gifts, loans, and services rendered, to build their first facility. From 1952 through 1955, members utilized their farming expertise to rent 120 acres of land south of Girard Cemetery, gifting their share of the profits to the building fund. Members of the congregation who could not assist in the actual farming, provided seed and fertilizer. Additionally, many other projects supplemented the personal gifts and a new building was dedicated on December 6, 1953.

In 1993, the mother church of Trinity, Zion in Brazilton, found the community it served had diminished and realized it was time to close its doors after 78 years of ministry. At their request, 28 members of Zion transferred to Trinity. Zion Lutheran Cemetery and school building were deeded to Trinity.

The Lord's blessings were obvious and visible in attendance and spiritual growth. Through the decades, seven pastors served the Lord in this congregation. Additional building projects were initiated as the needs of the congregation changed. In the fall of 1992, contact was made with Eldor W. Meyer, former Nebraska LCMS District President, regarding the possibility of serving Trinity part-time during his retirement. This initiative resulted in Pastor Meyer being installed as Trinity's 8th leader. Pastor Meyer again retired in 1998 when Trinity called Mark Wenzelburger, a candidate for ministry, who had previously served the congregation as a vicar.

The ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church is anchored in Christ Jesus. Its focus is on sharing the Gospel message with its members, the community, and beyond. It has had its ups and downs over the last 60 years, however, the ministry to people continues and blessings are realized.